Monday, 5 December 2016

change eye color naturally without aide effects.

Although it’s hard to change your eye color permanently you can slightly change the color temporarily or manage slightly on lightening the eye color. However before you choose on how to change your eye color you have to understand the following :

    • The color of your eyes is genetic. Each and every person has unique eye color. Eye color is formed from combination of matching genes from various generations1 that result into three major color types, that is: brown, blue and green. Brown eye color is common among many people followed by blue color then green. The eye color also changes by age. The color may lighten as you grow old.
    • The eye color is determined by melanin. When a baby is born the eyes are clear blue, this because they have not developed melanin. When you have brown eyes, your body has more melanin, green eyes are characterized by medium melanin and blue by low melanin. Therefore it is not easy to change the eye color permanently but you can slightly change it temporarily. The eye color may also lighten as you age.
    • It is not easy to change the eye color permanently naturally. If you are planning on how to change your eye color permanently then you have to undergo a surgery. The natural ways do change the eye color temporally but not permanent. Also you have to be very careful in choosing the method to use in changing the eye color, an eye is a delicate organ therefore you have to be careful when altering it.
    • An immediate change of the eye color should worry you. When trying to change the eye color it should be gradual. You should not expect to sleep and wake up with changed eye color, a drastic eye color change may be a symptom of a serious illness therefore you have to seek medication with immediate effect.
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